
In the spring of 2000, Cathie Perry asked, “I wonder if you can do something with Jesus and horses?” The answer was clear with a two fold vision, we would offer recreational therapeutic riding lessons free of charge as well as offer youth the opportunity to become peer models by receiving free horsemanship training. This vision was born in part because of Kaleb, Cathie's special needs nephew by heart, who was to receive recreational therapeutic horseback riding free of charge when he was seven years old. Thus creating "Jesus And Kids" part of our vision!
Soon after, a visiting evangelist shared one last item during a church service alter time, "Someone here is being called to Evangelism...Ease...and Divine Appointments." This confirmed evangelism through "evangelistic saddle club" resulting in JAKES Club's Mission Statement:
"Reaching children for Jesus one child with one horse at a time through
recreational therapeutic riding, horsemanship and sharing the Holy Bible."

Cathie and Jacob
Board of Directors and Advisory Council
Jesus And Kids Evangelistic Saddle Club and the founding families give thanks to the commitment of the volunteer Board of Directors and Advisory Council. Their dedication and hearts desire to serve children with special needs is incomparable. May the Lord bless you!


Meet our Team

Jacob (L) with Kaleb (R) serving Micah.

Administrative - Executive Director


Cathie grasped the reins of the Saddle Club Executive Director after first beginning in the Administrative Department and working with Tanya and her horse, Genesis in 2000. In 2001, she began the journey with riding, including: professional instructions with George & Barb in Western, CHA instruction in English, along with other clinics. Her heart was truly filled when the Therapeutic Riding Club evolved to using Bareback Saddles as enrollment grew. Stating, "There is no greater pleasure than riding with the freedom and movement of the horse in a bareback saddle. It enables you to share with the children how to develop their seat or balance at a walk. Encouraging them to reach out and touch, and be touched, by God's special creation the horse!"

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Certified Riding Instructor - Childrens Equine Director


Jacob's first professional riding lesson, at the age of 9, was given in a western saddle by George and Barb Allen back in the fall of 2000 and he has been stuck ever since! In 2003, he began Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) Riding Levels 1 and 2 in both Western and English. He then began accomplishing additional CHA Ground Levels 2 and 3, leading him into JAKES Club Instructors Level. In the Spring of 2014 Jacob traveled to Union, KY where he attended CHA's Certified Riding Instructor five day clinic and testing. Accomplishing his personal goals of Certification and benefiting JAKES Club programs. 

As Jacob developed his riding and equine training skills he grew to be an integral part of equine Board decisions. Growing to serve JAKES Club's Childrens Equine Director position. Helping lead, direct and serve our most valuable "Team" members ... JAKES Club horses.


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"But for right now, until that completeness, we have three thngs to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love."

1 Corinthians 13:13


  • M.Campbell, OTR/L

  • J. Peddicord, DVM

  • Pastor Perkin, Honorary

  • C. Perry, Director

  • J. E. Perry, President

  • J. Perry, Equine Director and 
    CHA Certified Riding Instructor

  • M. St.Clair, Operations Director and TRC Member

  • Pastor's Waterman


Annual & 990 Online Report
JAKES Club Office - by appointment only
39002 E. Nivens Road
Oak Grove, Missouri, 64075


Founding Families

All organizations are built on a solid foundation, but none more so than JAKES Club. Our team of leaders believes, "All things are possible for those who are called according to His purpose." The three founding families joined together in 2000 to minister through therapeutic equine programs, to children with special needs.

Underneath the Lord's leadership nothing is impossible!

Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose."

Jacob & Joe

Facility - Equine Director

Joe's heart to serve the children with horses shows through his devotion and pride in everything he does for JAKES Club. Simply drive onto JAKES Club's rented facility and you can tell someone cares. Maintenance for facility and for equine areas including : children's riding areas, barn, pastures and horses are all well maintained because he offers his time and experience with a happy heart. If you need any help or anything done, all you need is to ask, "Where's Joe?"


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Mike & Kaleb

Therapeutic Riding Club - Operations Director

"You will never meet a nicer guy then Mike!" is heard often at JAKES Club. His confidence projects peace into any situation and he is always there to help. Mike has many responsibilities and brings smiles to everyone he serves. Of course, his greatest attribute is his love for children and youth with special needs. Through his dedication, he is always making sure JAKES Club's Therapeutic Riding Club (TRC) stays true to our original goal, "Reaching children for Jesus, one child with one horse at a time."


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About Us

JAKES Club Founders say, "Thank you!"

"Reaching children for Jesus one child with one horse at a time ..."

Loving memory Grandma Marie March 24,2019 (FR)

2016-PRESENT     Copyright Jesus And Kids Evangelistic Saddle Club, dba JAKES Club. All Rights Reserved. A Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization #43-1899220.