Happy almost Thanksgiving! It is truly the season of thanksgiving here at Jesus And Kids Evangelistic Saddle Club (JAKES Club) for it has been a great 2024. Except the year seemed to go by very fast.
First and foremost JAKES Club wishes to thank each of you for your faithfulness and support. Every family member, volunteer and financial gift throughout the year was a blessing! However our greatest thanks are for your prayers. JAKES Club exists today, because of yesterdays prayers. Thank you!
Very special thanks this fall goes to “Summit Assembly of God Church” families for their generous donation through their “Summit Fall Hay Ride!” Thank you everyone for believing and helping JAKES Club, but again, it is your faithful prayers that truly make the difference. Bless you all.
One specific BIG difference in answered prayer this year was for our senior horse Numbers. Our Lord Jesus continued healing and strengthening his old leg injury throughout 2024. Just this month, on a cool fall morning during turn out, he galloped out the gate half way down the pasture before slowing and walking to his favorite tree for breakfast. Not limping once! Thank you Lord Jesus we give thanks knowing You are leading and preparing the way to serve more children in 2025. In the Name of Jesus Christ, amen!
As we close and give thanks for 2024 we lay 2025 before you Lord, not only for JAKES Club but for each individual and their families. Confessing and believing…
Psalm 16:7-8 KJV
”I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel;
my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.
I have set the Lord always before me (in 2025):
because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
Well JAKES Club have a “Happy Thanksgiving” and a very “Merry Christmas.”
Blessings everyone for the “New Year” and thanks again for a great 2024!
Cathie and JAKES Club’s Teams
PS… “2024 Photo Album” may be viewed on the Home Page Flickr link. Yay!
JAKES Club is sorry to announce we no longer can provide PDF copies for Archived Newsletters. Our apologies.
JAKES Club E-Newsletter Year End 2024
"Reaching children for Jesus one child with one horse at a time ..."
2016-PRESENT: Copyright Jesus And Kids Evangelistic Saddle Club, dba JAKES Club. All Rights Reserved. A Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization #43-1899220.